Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

Computer Programming: Operators in c# console application

In computer programming, "operator" is used for perform operations between operands known as operator. Basically there are three types, unary operator , binary operator and ternary operator. In unary operator , we use single operand like (a++,a--), in binary operator we use two operands like ( a+b) and in ternary operator we use three operands like a>b?a:b

Assignment Operator (=)

if we create a variable of type integer also we want to initialize it with some value then we should use assignment operator like.

int a=10;

Here, variable a is initialized with value 10. It means you can say the right hand side value is copy to left hand side variable using assignment operator.

Arithmetic Operators ( +,-,*,/,%)

Basically arithmetic operators are used for doing mathematical calculation like addition of two or more numbers , multiplication, division, subtraction, and remainder. lets take a simple example to understand arithmetic operators. If the total collection by five students is five thousand then find the average value?.
int collected_money=5000;
int total_student =5;
int avg=collected_money/total_student;

Ternary operator (?, : )

In ternary operator we have three operands, in which first operand is used for check the condition and other two operands is used for giving results. Let’s take a simple example to understand the ternary operator.

Int firstnumber=10;
Bool result;
Result = firstnumber>10? True: false;

In the preceding example, if condition becomes true or you can say if firstnumber is greater than to 10 then ternary operator gives  ‘true’ in results otherwise gives ‘false’.

Comparison Operators (< , > ,<=,>=,!=,==)

using comparison operator you can perform Boolean operation between operands known as comparison operator. Lets take an simple to understand comparison operator
 class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int a = 10;
            if (a==10)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The value of variable ={0}", a));
            Console .ReadKey (false);
Computer Programming : Operators in c# console application Here, condition if check equality operation between operands, a and constant value 10. If condition becomes true, output comes "The value of variable=10".



  Logical operator (&&,|| )

Perform logical operation between Boolean operands known as logical operator. Lets take a simple example
  class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool a = true;
            bool b = true;
            if (a&&b)
                Console.WriteLine("condition becomes true");
            Console .ReadKey (false);

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