Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

LinkLabel control in windows forms C#

Label control is used to display the text such as Name, address, title and so on. The text shown through Label control cannot be edited directly by the user. Most often this control is used for providing information of another control in the windows form.

LinkLabel control is, derived from the label control, used to display text as a link. Link may be of a windows form or a website depending on the requirements. It has all the properties of Label control as well as its own properties. The commonly used properties of LinkLabel control are:

  • ActiveLinkColor: used to get or set the color used to display the active link. It is of type Color.
    linkLabel1.ActiveLinkColor = Color.Blue; This code sets the color to blue of an active link in C#.
  • DisabledLinkColor: used to get or set the color used to display the disabled link. It is also of type Color. linkLabel1.DisabledLinkColor = Color.Blue; This code sets the color to blue of an disabled link in C#.
  • LinkColor: used to get or set the color of the text on the LinkLabel control. It is also of type Color. linkLable1.LinkColor = Color.Blue; This code sets the color of the text to blue in C#.
  • LinkVisited: used to get or set a value indicating whether a link should be displayed as though it were visited. It is of type Boolean and default value is false.

LinkClicked event occurs when the link is clicked by the user. This event has an event argument of LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs which returns the link that was clicked by the user. The structure of this event is as follows in C#:

private void linkLabel1_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)

Writing the following code in this event will show a new form

Form2 frm = new Form2();

To create a link to a website, we should use following code:


In the above code the method Start() starts the default browser with the given URL.

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